Martie Zelt    CV


Roswell Museum & Art Center–"Martie Zelt In Spaces Between"   2013
Roswell Museum & Art Center–Retrospective Exhibition    1998
Roswell Museum & Art Center– Artist-in-Residence Exhibition    1983
LAND Gallery, Albuquerque, NM    2012
Universidad Veracruzana, Instituto de Artes Plasticas    2007
Hodges Taylor Gallery, Charlotte, NC    1993
Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts    1988
Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts    1972
Dolan/Maxwell Gallery, Philadelphia, PA    1986
Kathryn Markel Gallery, New York City    1985
North Dakota Museum of Art    1983
Carnegie Institute, Museum of Art    1982
Marian Lockes Gallery, Philadelphia    1981
Brooklyn Museum, Print Department    1980
The Print Club, Philadelphia    1975
The Print Club, Philadelphia    1972
Galeria Penguin, Rio de Janeiro    1960

Albuquerque Museum
Anderson Museum of Contemporary Art
Auburn College
Brooklyn Museum
Carnegie Institute, Museum of Art
Eastern New Mexico University
Indiana Museum
Mint Museum, Charlotte
North Dakota Museum of Art
Pennsylvania Academy, Museum of American Art
Philadelphia Museum of Art
Princeton University
Rhode Island School of Design
Roswell Museum & Art Center

Texas Tech University
Trenton State College
University of New Mexico
Yale University


Fulbright, Garcia-Robles-Lecture/Research Grant, Mexico    2008, 2009
The Roswell Artist-in-Residence Foundation    1982,1989
Mid-Atlantic Arts Foundation    1988
Brandywine Graphic Workshop    1979
Ford Foundation, "Prints in Progress," The Print Club    1965


Bitter Lake National Wildlife Refuge, ceramic tile mural "Five Habitats"    2000
Civic Center, Roswell, NM, tile mural "City, Skies, Strata" NM Arts & US West    1996


VI Bienal of Contemporary Textile Art- AIR, Diego Rivera Museum, Mexico DF    2011
Tamarind Institute,  Lottery Exhibition    2010
Anderson Museum of Contemporary Art, Roswell, NM "Beyond the Gift of Time"    2007
Albuquerque Museum, "Recent Acquisitions"    1998
Tamarind Institute, "New Mexico Printmakers, UNM Outreach Exhibition"    1996
Instituto de Artes Plasticas, , MX "Encuentro Internacional de Arte Textil Miniatura    1994
Tamarind Institute, Taiwan Museum of Art, "Tamarind Impressions"    1993
The Print Club, Philadelphia,"The Print Club, 1915-1990"/"62nd International "-1986    North Texas State University, "American Printmakers"    198?
Mead Art Museum, Amherst College  "New Ideas in Paper"    198?
Port of History Museum, Philadelphia,  "Printed by Women"    1988
Greenville County Museum of Art/North Carolina Museum of Art, "Imprimatur"    1988
North Dakota Museum of Art, "Frontiers in Fiber:  The Americans" USIA traveling    1988
Auburn University, "8th Auburn Works on Paper "An Open Competitive Exhibition    1987
Philadelphia College of Textiles & Science, "Nonwovens/Paper"    1986
The Cleveland Museum of Art, "Paper Now"    1986
Dolan/Maxwell Gallery, Philadelphia, "Great American Prints 1984-85"    1985
Tamarind Institute, "Tamarind, 25 Years"    1985
AIR Gallery, London, "One of a Kind", American and British Artists    1984
Santa Fe Art Festival, "New Artists, New Discoveries"    1983
Maryland Institute, "One-of-a-Kind"    1983
University of Wisconsin, (traveling) "New American Graphics II"    1982
National Collection of Fine Arts, "New Ways with Paper"    198?
Philadelphia Museum of Art, "Contemporary Drawings"    197?
Brooklyn Museum, "Thirty Years of American Printmaking"    1976
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Salao de Arte Moderna,    1960
Brazil, Sao Paulo International Bienale,    1960
Museum of Modern Art, NYC, Lending Library    1959